From Recall to Real-World Skills: The Evolution of Education
On this pleasantly autumnal day, I’ve spent around 7 hours [...]
Ingredients For Success: The Value Of Oracy
Recently I visited a school which was quite extraordinary. Since [...]
A voice for voices: Process or product?
Recently, after two weeks of running back to back youth [...]
The digital mirror: How does tech shape our young people?
Listening to the news lately I have been struck by [...]
Teens: Tests, temptations and togetherness
I currently have the privilege of both living with a [...]
2023 RSE Review: Will the myths be debunked?
Earlier this week, I observed a young teacher navigate a [...]
Inspecting Superheroes
As a freelance education professional, I am lucky enough to [...]
Drama – A worthy, standalone subject
Alongside my inspecting and consulting work at Polesand Education, I [...]
Metacognition and inspecting pupil outcomes
When observing lessons on inspection, a school inspector is noting [...]
EDUCATION – A woman’s wardrobe analogy
I am a woman who loves clothes. I spend far [...]
Are you pro school inspection?
Are you an education professional that dreads the inspection call [...]
Inspection through the lens of pupil wellbeing
Inspection through the lens of pupil wellbeing ISI has completed [...]
What does compliance really mean in Education?
Compliance - What does it really mean in our [...]